React.js vs Vue.js

React.js and Vue.js are the two frontend JavaScript frameworks that are popular in the developer world. Both React and Vue offer software developers approach to build modern web applications, but each has its best usage cases and responds to different business needs.
Vue is seen as a progressive framework, it can be used to build small web page apps that are intended to be lightweight and fast. React js can be used to build community-based platforms. E.g.: marketplace and forum. It can be employed in content delivery platforms as it is fast and functions well in low latency. Vue js is created from scratch to be incrementally adoptable.
Vue.js is a front-end and open-source JavaScript framework. Its model-view-view-model architecture is used for developing single-page applications, progressive web app, and user interfaces.
Features of Vue.js
1. Templates: It contains HTML-oriented template codes that help to build Document Object Model (DOM) to the fundamental Vue data. The users can employ template syntax or opt to directly compose render functions utilizing JSX.
2. Data Binding: It also help data binding with the help of V-bind and two-way binding (v-model) In a data binding is the process, whenever data is changed, it is reflected automatically by the elements bound to the data.
3. Components: Vue.js components prolong elementary HTML elements to compress reusable code. Vue is its component-based approach to building user interfaces. This allows you to break your application into smaller, reusable pieces (components) which you can then use to build out a more complicated structure
4. Transitions: VueJS provides various ways to apply transition to the HTML elements when they are added/updated in the DOM. This comprises tools to:
o Exercise JavaScript to manipulate DOM straight away during the transition hooks
o Assimilate the third-party JavaScript animation library, namely, Velocity.js
o Mechanically apply the classes for CSS animations and transitions
o Incorporate the third-party CSS animation library, namely, Animate.css
Vue directives used in html code (v-if, v-else, v-else-if, v-for, v-show, v-on, v-blind, and v-model)
5. Routing: Vue employs the official Router to route users through URLs. With Vue Router, you can use its router. push () function to programmatically navigate between routes on your site. You can either call push () with a string path, or with an object containing either the path or name of the route.
The most common shortcoming of single-page applications (SPA) is the inability to segment links to the precise subpage within a definite web page.
6. Reactivity: Vue presents a reactivity structure that exercises plain JavaScript objects and augmented re-rendering.
Every Vue component keeps a track of its responsive dependencies during its rendering, so the structure knows exactly when to re-render, and which components to re-render.
Moreover it is Centralized store (vuex) and Vue Router and Mixins, watchers and computed properties.

On other hand React is a front-end, open-source JavaScript library used for developing user interfaces or UI components.
It was introduced by Facebook and a group of distinct companies and experienced React developers. React can be utilized as a base in mobile apps or single-page application development.
just like Vue, react js follows a component-based architecture. React is only concerned with delivering the data to DOM.
Features of React
JSX: JSX is a JavaScript syntactic extension. It’s a term used in React to describe how the user interface should seem. You can write HTML structures in the same file as JavaScript code by utilizing JSX.

Architecture: In a Model View Controller(MVC) architecture, React is the ‘View’ responsible for how the app looks and feels. MVC is an architectural pattern that splits the application layer into Model, View, and Controller.
Extensions: React goes beyond just being a UI framework; it contains many extensions that cover the entire application architecture. It helps the building of mobile apps and provides server-side rendering. Flux and Redux, among other things, can extend React.
Data Binding: It is one-way data binding; all activities stay modular and quick. Moreover, the unidirectional data flow means that it’s common to nest child components within parent components when developing a React project.
Debugging: Since a broad developer community exists, react applications are straightforward and easy to test. Facebook provides a browser extension that simplifies and expedites React debugging.
Virtual DOM: A virtual DOM object is the depiction of an inventive DOM object. It functions as a one-way data binding in React.
Benefits of Vue Js and React Js
Benefits Vue Js React Js
Technology Vue.js framework is built for UI development and design. The primary functionality is aimed at interface-related errands.
React is a JavaScript library and framework for UI development. The React ecosystem permits the tools to be accountable for complex data processing, UI processes, and personalization.
Invention Vue is developed by Evan You. React is developed and supported by Facebook.
Performance Vue utilizes virtual DOM and operational principles that are like React. However, Vue is more rapid when it comes to building UI components. React employs a virtual DOM – an object model that does not depend on a web browser. The framework mechanically delivers HTML pages.
Mobile Development Vue supports Webex – a mobile UI framework built by Alibaba Group. The framework utilizes Vue components to develop Android and iOS applications and sanctions reusing web code. React offers React Native, official component library for building iOS and Android native apps with the same React component construction.
Size The size of the Vue is about 20KB min+gzip. The size of the React is about 100KB.
When to Use Vue js can be used to build small web page apps that are intended to be lightweight and fast. React js can be used to build community-based platforms. E.g.: marketplace and forum.
Platforms It can be employed in content delivery platforms as it is fast and functions well in low latency. It can be employed in multifaceted platforms with rich mobile and web functionality.
Scaling Vue offers scaling projects with advanced performance speed. React offers an improved ecosystem, additional templates, and more tools.

Other advantages are as below
Vue also uses the virtual DOM, but compared to React, Vue has better performance and stability. According to this data, Vue and React’s performance difference is subtle since it is only a few milliseconds. This proves that Vue and React are very similar in terms of performance. Both show excellent performance and now are used for building popular web apps. In fact, Vue is better for building complex web apps than react.
React requires solid JavaScript skills, while Vue. js is more oriented to novice developers. Like React, Vue. js enables writing with JSX, but the components are written with HTML templates
Vue React
Vue lags React, it offers several solutions for mobile development React is the king of cross- platform development. It allows you to reuse up to 99% of JS code between Android and IOS
Vue has 170k stars on GitHub Vue has 154k stars on GitHub
Adaptability Scalability
Components Rich java script library
Transition Code Reusability
Vue is faster than react React speed is normal
Vue has a more traditional approach with single file components and distinct blocks for HTML templates, style, js. React adopts the Jsx format, where html is written in java script.
Company uses Vue Wizz, Xiaomi, Adobe, Alibaba, Gitlab, Euro news, Grammarly. Company uses React twitter, Netflix, Facebook, Dropbox, Microsoft, Uber, Pay pal.
Vue has wonderful documentation and its API references one of the best in the industry. React documentation has basics of react development and include some advanced concepts, but presentation isn’t well structure.

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