Have you tried Azure Virtual Desktop? It could be the solution to your organization’s challenges.


IT organizations are under increasing pressure to be able to provide services 24/7, and the cloud is an excellent way to meet that goal. The cost of running an enterprise also comes into play when trying to determine whether or not moving your desktops onto Azure Virtual Desktop is worth it. But how can you know if this solution will work for your company? We’ve put together a list of reasons why this migration might just be what your organization needs in order

Enterprises today face an ever-increasing number of challenges .

Enterprises today face an ever-increasing number of challenges .

  • The pace of technological innovation is accelerating faster than ever, making it harder for enterprises to keep up with their customers’ needs.
  • Employees and customers expect high levels of service from organizations that offer competitive levels of service at a reasonable cost .
  • IT budgets are being squeezed as governments seek better value for money from public sector organizations and private sector companies alike .
  • Organizations want better return on investment (ROI) by maximizing efficiency across all business processes; this is especially true when it comes to managing cloud infrastructure within an organization’s computing environment.

The shift to remote working has been a difficult transition for many companies .

The shift to remote working has been a difficult transition for many companies. But it’s also a trend that’s going to keep growing and becoming more mainstream, so it’s important for you to understand how your employees are feeling about the new way of working.

If you want to know whether your employees are happy with this change or not, ask them these questions:

  • What benefits do I get from working remotely? (e.g., flexibility)
  • How does it affect my job satisfaction?

Corporate cloud adoption is also on the rise .

Corporate cloud adoption is also on the rise. According to a recent survey by CIO Insight and Deloitte, about 80% of companies now use some form of cloud computing for their business applications and services.

The need for new applications and services has been driving this trend, but more importantly it’s helped to remove barriers that make it difficult or impossible for IT organizations to adopt new technologies such as virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI).

In addition , there ‘ s growing pressure to keep up with the pace of technological innovation and to offer competitive levels of service to employees and customers.

In addition , there ‘ s growing pressure to keep up with the pace of technological innovation and to offer competitive levels of service to employees and customers.

Organizations are challenged by how they can effectively manage their data centers, including their network infrastructure, application delivery platforms and virtual desktops. They need a solution that enables them to:

  • reduce costs through consolidation by centralizing IT operations;
  • increase efficiency through automation in end-user computing;
  • enable seamless collaboration across organizational boundaries through workforce mobility solutions

Virtual desktops in the cloud are a solution that covers all these bases.

Virtual desktops in the cloud are a solution that covers all these bases.

They allow you to have access to your data from anywhere, anytime and at any device. They also allow you to work with people who are not physically in the same place as you but still collaborate on projects or solve problems together.

How Azure Virtual Desktop can help your enterprise succeed

Azure Virtual Desktop is a solution that covers all these bases. It can help you succeed in your enterprise, and it’s easy to use, too!

  • It’s cost-effective: Azure Virtual Desktop offers a price point that’s competitive with other cloud providers while still providing the same superior end user experience as standard VDI solutions.
  • It’s flexible: You can customize your deployment based on what works best for each business unit or department within your organization. This makes it flexible enough to meet any workload requirements without sacrificing performance or security risks associated with traditional desktop deployments (for example, unmanaged guest machines).

Financial services firm Natixis saw their IT costs go through the roof after a migration to Windows 10 left them with thousands of legacy PCs across their offices worldwide.

Natixis is a financial services firm that has offices worldwide, including in France. The company migrated to Windows 10 as part of its modernization efforts and found itself with thousands of legacy PCs across its offices globally. This led to high IT costs for Natixis, which were increasing by the month as it struggled to manage the increased workload on its IT department.

To make matters worse, Natixis already had limited bandwidth at its data center and needed additional bandwidth from a carrier partner like Verizon or AT&T so it could meet demand for new applications being developed by employees at different locations around the world – a problem made worse by how much data these new apps were consuming!

By moving their workplace PCs to Azure Virtual Desktop, they’re saving millions of dollars in maintenance costs and re-allocating resources towards areas that will help improve the company’s bottom line.

You can also save money by reducing the number of devices in your organization. If you have multiple PCs and laptops, it’s likely that there is some duplication between them. For example, if you have three PC users on one PC, then those users could all be using the same version of Microsoft Office (or other software). This means that everyone would need to purchase licenses for each individual user’s software when they upgrade or renew their license agreement with Microsoft. By moving your workplace PCs to Azure Virtual Desktop and consolidating them onto fewer machines so that only one person uses each device at any given time, you’ll be able to eliminate this unnecessary overhead expense altogether!

Another way Azure Virtual Desktop helps companies save money is through reducing the number of support staff required by eliminating expensive IT support contracts with third parties like IBM or Dell EMC which charge upwards $10-$20K per year! When employees don’t need help from outside providers anymore—their own IT departments handle everything automatically via remote access sessions over cellular networks like 3G/4G LTE connections instead–it frees up valuable resources inside an organization which can then focus more energy toward improving customer satisfaction ratings through improved productivity levels

Running an enterprise comes with a lot of challenges, but migrating your desktop PCs to the cloud may help you overcome them.

Running an enterprise comes with a lot of challenges, but migrating your desktop PCs to the cloud may help you overcome them.

Azure Virtual Desktop can help you cut costs and increase productivity by allowing you to:

  • Reduce licensing costs by up to 50%. You don’t need costly software licenses or updates anymore because Azure Virtual Desktop has access rights on all of your PCs in the cloud. This gives you access to all features available in Microsoft Office 365 and other popular products at no additional cost!
  • Increase security by keeping software patches up-to-date through automatic updates that are delivered over HTTP/2 connections (rather than TCP). This means better protection against viruses and malware attacks that target vulnerabilities in applications like Adobe Reader or Microsoft Office Suite 2016


The next time you’re considering a move to the cloud, consider Azure Virtual Desktop. We know it can be a bit overwhelming when you have so many different options and concerns to consider, and that’s why we want to help you navigate all the possibilities. Azure Virtual Desktop is an easy way for your company to save money—and more importantly, it helps your employees feel more connected with one another on their screens across the globe. Reach out to us at S[email protected] for free first consultation on Azure Virtual Desktop.